#anxiety   Aug 30, 2022

Yoga Nidra for Sleep

Take Charge of Your Sleep Cycle with this Meditation PracticeNot sleeping very well? If you’re having trouble with your sleep cycle, you’re not alone. Over 35 percent of Americans get less tha...

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#therapy   Jul 21, 2022

The Not-So-Secret Benefits of Sound Healing: When Music is Medicine

It’s no secret that music is old, ancient in fact. Humans have been making and listening to music for millenia…thousands of years. While the origins of music may be a bit of a mystery, it is obvio...

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#anxiety   Jul 6, 2022

How Kundalini Yoga Helps You Break Bad Habits for Good

You have the power to break bad habits. Whether you feel like you do or not, you have the power inside you to make any changes you want in yourself!Willpower is the main source of drive for most...

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#anxiety   Apr 20, 2022

The Science Behind How Yoga Nidra Affects Your Mental Health

As the prevalence of anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders continue to rise, worldwide, it’s becoming more and more obvious that many (if not most) adults experience some form of mental heal...

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#fitness   Dec 28, 2021


Yoga has been with me since childhood, in schools, and with my family as well. My father (late Mr.) Ramachandra, who was a teacher by profession, was an inspiration for me to dwell deep into the field...

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#anxiety   Nov 15, 2021

The Benefits of Humming Bee Breath: Tell Anxiety to Buzz Off

Yogic breathing is an important part of any meditation or yoga practice. Breath is life, and all the different forms of breath work are helpful for our physical, emotional, and mental health!Did you...

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#yoga   Sep 15, 2021

Migraine Sufferer? Try These 7 Poses That Relieve Migraine Pain

If you’ve ever had a migraine, you’ll understand why it’s such a hot topic in the holistic health world. Grab your 2-week free trial here and join us on the mat!Everyone’s looking for a remedy t...

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#yoga   Sep 10, 2021

Healing for First Responders: How Yoga Helps Them Navigate Life Better

First responders deserve all the awards and accolades we could possibly give them.If we took all the trophies from all the Oscars combined and gave them to first responders, it wouldn’t even begin t...

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#therapy   Aug 26, 2021

Improving Lung Function: How Yogic Breathing Helps Asthmatics

With the quality of our air decreasing due to climate change, continued use of air pollutants, and worldwide wildfires, breathing can be difficult (even harmful if outside) on a good day for people wi...

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#fitness   Aug 21, 2021

How Yoga Saves Lives: The Worldwide Healthcare Worker Crisis

It’s not new news that the world is suffering. But this centuries old story seems to just be getting worse and worse as the years progress.Fires, hurricanes, tsunamis, war. And then, of course, “the...

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#therapy   Aug 13, 2021

Allopathic vs. Naturopathic Medicine: Why the Differences Matter for Your Health

You may not know what “allopathic” even means. That’s ok because we’re about to tell you.Why? Here at MyYogaTeacher we believe the differences between allopathic medicine and naturopathic medi...

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#anxiety   Jul 8, 2021

10 Things You Should Know Before You Start Meditating

We all want that experience that experienced meditators talk about.That magical time when you’re totally and completely relaxed and in a sort of euphoric, beautiful state. It’s calm and quiet. You’r...

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#anxiety   Jul 1, 2021

Five Ways Meditation Can Start Improving Your Life Right Now

Whether you’re into yoga or not, I’m fairly certain you’ve at least heard of meditation. It’s one of the (oldest) new ways to improve your life. And people are beginning to catch on.The truth is t...

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#anxiety   Jun 11, 2021

9 Types of Yogic Breathing Exercises and When to Use Them

Don’t you hate it when you’re in a tizzy about something – maybe crying or angry – and someone tells you to “just breathe?”It’s the worst, right?You’re all I AM BREATHING! And they’re all “not...

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#anxiety   May 20, 2021

Why Breath is an Important Part of Your Yoga Practice

I’m pretty certain you’ve heard a lot about doing breathwork, also known as breathing exercises, before, during, and after your yoga practice.But is breathing through your asanas just something yo...

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#anxiety   Mar 18, 2021

Facing Life Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Do you feel like the COVID-19 pandemic has changed your daily life? Everyone is learning how to navigate these changes with grace and dignity. For example, taking online yoga classes through MyYogaT...

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#anxiety   Jun 3, 2020

How I went from anxiety and depression to peace and joy!

Hi!To start, you should know what brought me to myYogaTeacher. Why I actually care about our service to you, your experience and most importantly your results.You see, I'm not a natural yogi. I'm ...

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#anxiety   Feb 14, 2020

Yoga Nidra Cured My Insomnia

What is the translation of Sankalpa?Click here to find out!From Sanskrit --> English!Sankalpa is a Sanskrit word. "San" means a connection to our highest self and "kalpa" means vow or...

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