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Not Just Yoga




Early Days

I grew up watching my father's Yogic practice. He would get up at 4:30 am and practice until 6:30 am. This initial observation became part of my learning Yoga with him, which I started at the age of 14.

My First Teacher

As I was craving more understanding of Yoga, I met with Sri. Satyavratha, the former President of Bharath Sevadal and one of the Directors of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Bangalore.

He taught me not just how to practice but made me understand why should I practice Yoga! I learned Ashtanga Yoga, pranayama and a few meditation techniques.

Th daily discussions on Yoga with him generated so much curiosity and interest. This inspired me to join the Yoga University in Bangalore and I completed my Master's Degree in Yogic Education and Therapy.

Not just Yoga but the importance of Yogic Life

Yoga in my life is unique and helps me to break all the limited beliefs - the beliefs that blocked thoughts of achievement. Now I feel more confident, fearless and truly compassionate.

Not just Yoga but significance in Lifestyle changes

Walking along the Yogic path gives me confidence to try new things. This level of awareness has increased many times and this happens to everyone who walks the path of Yoga. Yoga helps with a better quality of sleep, deep rest, a flexible body and more energy and enthusiasm throughout the day!

Not just interest but inspiring self

Every time I teach a class, I learn something new. This has been a continual process. I will never forget the day that I began teaching a 65 year old woman with bronchial asthma. She is now my longest cient and the Yoga practice has removed her need of medication. Teaching her required me to think outside of the box and she is now extremeley happy practicing yoga!

Not just practicing but complete Transformation of Life

Whenever I practice Yoga, I feel a deep connectivity inside. Initially, I used to just feel it as a physical workout. But as it became a habit, I began to feel an integration between Body and Breath. Practicing this has brought in so much awareness, that I now feel this integration throughout the day.

Not just a teacher but giver and contributor

If Yoga has given me one thing its the attitude of GIVING more than getting. I follow Karma yoga, the Path of Dynamic Action. This is making me fearless and has opened up new directions for contribution to society. This courage to give has helped me bond with people and understand their stories.

One incident totally changed my perception about life. I gave an elderly person a ride and he began to ask me about my place, family members, relations. At first, there was so much laughter and exchange of information. Then it started to become serious as I listened to his story.

He was awealthy person that had lost his son, wife, daughter, son-in-law in a road accident. He had given all his wealth to an orphanage and was working in a market selling pumpkins. He told me it gives him so much more joy selling pumpkins than running a corporate business.

That day, he showed me the Power of Without Expectation. I give my 100% in classes and get 100% of Love, Health, Wealth, Happiness and Prosperity.

As the Bhagavat Geeta says:

Yoga Karmasu Koushalam which means Creativity in Action is Yoga.

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